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The state of retirement planning for small businesses
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The state of retirement planning for small businesses

Kevin Busque

While the pandemic has certainly brought in waves of economic uncertainty, the fears that plagued retirement savings during the 2008 recession haven’t manifested in any major hesitation to save over the last two years.

We took a look at our data and found that Guideline users have increased their 401(k) contribution levels since 2019, indicating a push for long-term stability. And not only is the amount of active participants growing, but the rate of growth is accelerating as well.

Here are just a few other trends we spotted over the course of the pandemic:

retirement planning for small businesses

We’re on a mission to help everyone save for retirement. Thanks to all the employers and employees, accountants and advisors, who trust us to create a roadmap to retirement. If our mission sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, we’re hiring across the board.